11th Aug 08 (Monday):
1 day after she was discharged from SGH for the photo-therapy of her jaundice, we brought her to the polyclinic to monitor her jaundice level, as instructed by the Paediatrician. "Sua-ku" mummy has never really been to a polyclinic, so I didn't quite know what to do. I pressed for the queue number to do her registration. Fortunately, I went to the information counter to ask after getting the queue number, cause it turns out I took the wrong one. Registration for babies is a different queue (apparently a shorter and faster queue. Hehe...)
Since it was our first time there, the nurse had to take her vital stats and note down all her health histories. While waiting for our turn, naughty Isabelle started to cry down the entire clinic. She was hungry! Without any choice, we had to find an empty consultation room for me to "bazooka" her. She was SOOOO hungry that it took us almost 30 mins and we were being "chased" out of the room even though she was not quite done yet. Anyway, it was enough to keep her quiet, so we let it be. After giving the nurse the details, we were instructed to go to the lab to do her SB test (the test for jaundice level one...). The thought of the pain that Isabelle will have to go through when they draw blood made my eyes watery.
At the lab, we had to take another queue number, we were 90th in line and they were only serving the 46th person. It was going to be a long wait... Then, to my surprise, the lab assistant saw us and said that babies get priority, so we were next. (Hehe, and just like that, we cut the queue!!) The scary moment came.... Time for them to draw her blood. OMG!!! I could not imagine. And this time, I was present while they drew her blood. Then I realised, they only needed to draw the blood from her heel and not her hand. It was a relief, but still, I was in fear...
The lab tech pricked her heel. She remained asleep and quiet. Phew! Then the lab tech squeezed her heel and used a capilliary tube to draw her blood. She was still asleep and quiet. Phew Phew!! First capilliary of blood completely drawn. They needed to draw a total of 2 tubes. As the lab tech was drawing the 2nd tube, she started to cry. So poor thing. All mummy could do, was to sayang her head and keep kissing her. Heartache. (But mummy didn't cry, because Darling didn't cry as loud and as poor thing as the other time.)
Finally, it was over! We were told to wait for the results as it would be ready in 5 mins. After 15 mins, the results were out. Dammit! The reading has gone up! It was 225 when she was discharged yesterday and 236 today! Now we had to wait to see the doctor and listen to the diagnosis.
The doctor was abit "blur" (I felt). Anyway, he said that the reading has gone up and that was not a good sign, so we were instructed to go back the following day to do the SB test again. Sian... have to wake up super early again and "chiong" to the polyclinic so that we can be first in line...
The whole "excursion" took 2 hours...
12th Aug 08 (Tuesday):
Today, we were smarter. We fed Isabelle around 7am so that she would not be hungry at the polyclinic. At the polyclinic, mummy was no longer a "mountain turtle" (Sua-ku). So I was able to get her registration done quite fast and go to the lab to do her SB test. Same thing, she got priority so we cut queue and went in for her blood test. It seems like Darling was "prepared" today. She did not make noise throughout the entire "procedure" and remained fast asleep!
SB result was 234. Hooray! It has dropped a bit, which meant that it was in the down trend. But still, the doctor (a different one from yesterday) ordered another test on Thursday. (At least I get to rest for 1 day). Total "excursion" time was only 45mins.
14th Aug 08 (Thursday):
Again, we had to "chiong" to the polyclinic early in the morning. Her SB result has dropped again to 230! Yippie! But of course the doctor said it was still not low enough as the readings should drop to below 100. And it turns out that on Monday, the lab missed out doing 1 test (which they charged me for!!) so we have to return on Saturday to do it. Got to wake up early and "piah" to the polyclinic again...
The doctor also mentioned that, though not medically proven, but according to the elders, we can try sunning Isabelle for 20 mins every morning before 10am. Of course, I diligently did that over the next few days...
Today was supposed to be Isabelle's EDD. How fast time flies. She's already 2 weeks old...
16th Aug 08 (Saturday):
With all the "sunning" efforts, we were anxious to find out the results of the SB test. As Isabelle has to do an additional test (Conjugated Bilirubin test), the lab tech had to draw MORE blood from her heel. If there was not enough blood from one heel, the lab tech will have to draw blood from the other heel!!! The amount of blood required were 2 capilliary tubes and 2 small vials. Throughout the whole procedure, the lab tech kept squeezing Darling's little heel for blood. Of course, Isabelle started to show her displeasure by crying. (It was probably painful, and she doesn't like her limbs being restrained!)
Again, we waited for the results of her SB test. The results of the Conjugated Bilirubin test will only be out on Monday, so we have to return on Monday again. (I was beginning to feel like a regular customer of the polyclinic). The conjugated bilirubin test will determine if her liver is fine.
Results of the SB test came back - 238!!!! I was confused! After all that sunning!??!?! It went up!!! !@#!@# The doctor (same "blur" one on Monday) asked us if we wanted to re-admit Isabelle. I rejected the notion as the Paediatrician told me that we only need to worry about her jaundice if the level exceeds 300. And that, because she's growing up every day, it is normal for her jaundice level to rise. (Oh well, Polyclinic diagnosis VS Paediatrican diagnosis...) Also, we wanted to wait for the Conjugated Bilirubin Test result to be out before we make any decision.
18th Aug 08 (Monday):
SB readings - 237! (Alamak, no change one.) Conjugated Bilirubin Test result was also ok. The polyclinic doctor (another different one) did a physical check on Isabelle. Again, Isabelle started to whine (she was being pressed and restrained). The doctor said that she should be fine and that the results were more or less hovering around the same values. And since we were going to bring her back to the Paediatrician for a routine check on Thursday, we didn't need to go back to the polyclinic any more. YEAH!!!
With Isabelle's 1st month celebration around the corner (23rd Aug), her scaredy-cat / "pun-tan" mummy decided to change the Paediatrician to the following Monday (25th Aug). Just to make sure that Isabelle gets to celebrate her 1 month birthday! Hehe...
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